All Kinds of Fish

A man had a dream or a vision of a crystal clear water and as he gaze down into the water he began to notice not just one kind of fish swimming around, but many other kinds of fishes were gathered together in that one place of the crystal clear water. It was a beauty of anointed harmony to behold of the oneness with so many diverse fishes in one place.

The man felt the anointed interpretation of what he was seeing was people from all walks of life gathering together in one place to worship the Lord freely without the traditional judgments of man. The different kinds of people from different kinds of religious backgrounds were the various kinds of fishes in the crystal clear water.

The man was moved so strongly he sought out for a place to be that one crystal clear water for all to gather together swimming freely. This was to be a place of freedom that he saw in the fish flowing within the water. It was to be a place all people could gather together and flow with God freely.

The man sought out the theme that would present the atmosphere of freedom for all the different kinds of fish to swim together freely. He brought in studies of Jewish dances, worshiping methods, holidays, festivals, and all other things that the chosen people of God did in the Old Testament. He brought in modern teachings of symbols, letters, and numbers from the languages used in the Bible. He faithfully saturated the atmosphere with songs he felt lead to play. He brought in teachers from far and wide. Many more things this man has done to create this crystal clear water for all to gather together to swim in freely like as the dream and vision that was shown unto him.

As with all places that gather together to experience God freely there are challenges. The different kinds of fishes have different kinds of personalities, methods of thinking, and mannerisms. People have the same differences that can struggle to the  joining with others in a oneness fashion. Opinions, levels of intelligence, and pride in people often raise walls in the attempt of bringing unity in a one crystal clear water of worship. The man with the vision burning brightly in his mind desires so much so all would become one ,flowing freely in the worship of God like as the beautiful various kinds of fish gliding effortlessly in the crystal clear water.

The giving and sacrifice of this man for this beautiful vision/dream to come true has a taxing weight upon his soul of all the different people who come to him with their enticing words, hidden intents of their hearts, and internal sadness. He feels sometimes he is barely keeping his face above water to breathe with what the world has sent his way.

As I was going over the vision/dream the man had, I saw the parallel of the place to come together with the crystal clear water. I saw the different people from different religious and non-religious backgrounds representing the different kinds of fishes in the crystal clear water. At that moment God inserted into my thoughts that it is NOT about the different kinds people (fishes), but it is about the water.

I felt my mind freeze gazing upon the vision seeing the different fishes swimming, but it was the water that was the most important. The water is not many different kinds of waters. It is ONE body of water. It is consistent and unchanging water. It is an undivided water in total Oneness for all the ‘whosoever wills‘ to swim freely.

If there were no water it would be a vision of different kinds of fishes flopping around desperately desiring water, doing anything and everything to make water to appear. It is all about the water. God’s Holy Spirit is the water for all to gather together in oneness in Him flowing freely in their worship.

There was a group of people gathered together in one place praying for the movement of God. As they were praying it was like a strong blowing wind came down from heaven through all the doors and windows filling the whole house. The house being filled completely with this wind from heaven could easily been seen as a place completely filled with a crystal clear water for all to swim. As they were sitting there looking around what seemed to be for an understanding of their minds were tongues/languages of fire that separated right before their eyes and came to rest upon each of them. This would be like the fish that wanted to swim in that crystal clear water being lowered into the water submerging itself freely flowing through the water with the water all around itself and inside of itself. As the tongues/languages of fire rested upon them they were filled with the Holy Spirit and how they knew they were filled with the Holy Spirit was when they began to speak their native learned tongue/language changed into another nationalities tongue/language as the Holy Spirit gave them the words(Acts 2:1-4).

This vision of crystal clear water is all about becoming one with God’s Spirit and not the fish for without the water there would be no oneness. “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Eph. 4:4-6.

This water in the vision is the born again experience of water and spirit (Jn. 3:5). Like the fish are one with the water and the water one with the fish; so is it with us being born again in water baptism in the one name of Jesus and the in filling of the Holy Spirit with the sign/evidence to us of the tongue/language coming out of us at that moment is a language we have not learned praising God. The water is around the fish and in the fish like the Father is over all,through all and in all by Jesus Christ being that one container for all fish/people to live freely.

People gathering together without the liberty of God’s Spirit are like fish flopping around without water. They may look alive, but in truth are starving for the real water of life. The place and the fish are things man can do, but the water is decided by God’s spiritual desire out of the control of what man thinks or believes. I personally choose to surrender to God rather than fighting God with my own ideas. The place is physical and the fish are people, but the water is God. The focus should be on the oneness with God pleasing Him rather than man.

This beautiful vision or dream is all about the water of God clearly engulfing a surrendering group of people willing to set aside any personal opinions and traditions allowing their free-flowing worship to be in spirit and in truth (Jn. 4:23, 24). There are no words to describe when you get inside the flowing power of God’s loving Spirit.

May you feel the flowing down pour of His Spirit covering you from the top of your head to the sole of your feet.