One Door To All Things

Let me prepare you this is going to be really deep stuff and it will be very hard to understand unless God helps (I Corinthians 2:14, 10) because it is the only way I have come to share this with you. He has allowed such knowledge to come into my life of Himself that has absolutely changed my outlook on life and in the same breath I feel completely unworthy, but it is His grace. I encourage you to read slowly and with an open spirit to His Spirit.

God being God and possessing the title as God would have the ability to do anything, anyway, and by anyhow He desires because He is God – right? He could have created things by just thinking of them. He could have created things by twitching his nose, blinking His eyes, snapping His fingers, crossed His arms and bowing his head, tugging His right ear lobe, or clapping His hands. There are NO limits to the avenues God could use to create all things. It is easy to understand why God is seen in plurality – many gods. He is everywhere at the same time, He is in all knowledge of all things in what we may understand as real time, and He is powering all existing things keeping them in solid form without struggling or stress to remain in control. No matter how many gods a person believes exits that is NOT ENOUGH to represent the everywhere (meaning no god beside Him), knows everything (meaning no god smarter than Him), all powerful (meaning no equal god to Him) God. The belief of other gods co-existent, co-knowledge, and co-powerful is just an appearance of a different angles of the One all present, all knowing, all powerful God. How can we see with understanding and perception a God whose mind processes everything without struggle and at the same time empowers all existence while being everywhere with them – mind blower.

“One Door To All Things” is the choice this everywhere, all knowing, all powerful God made to go through to create all we know and don’t know as of yet. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God (Jn. 1:1) that created the heavens and the earth (Ge. 1:1), through him all things were made and without him nothing was made that has been made (Jn. 1:3). Everywhere God can do or say anything He wants from all locations appearing to us as many gods when we only understand there is one of us in one location. The Word is simply the one doorway God, which is a Spirit, chose to create all things and God deemed the Word to be the best representative of Himself. At this point of creation we are seeing Him as the Father of all creation by His own design. He wants us to see as much as we can with understanding and perception of fatherhood – of His and ours. The key is the Word being His choice to go through to us and all creation. The Word is His way of saying I want you to understand and perceive because He has already faced one of His creations (angels), who had free will as we do, that chose the opposite of God and is paying the price.

Now, about the doorway God chose to go through. He already had a group of angels to not believe in Him and wanted to take over. Freewill and free belief are the two core elements God gave His creations to use for themselves. It makes total sense why God chose to work His works through the Word. Words are what we come to form our beliefs freely and willfully follow. Also, we (mankind) were made in the image of God and the Word, which is spirit and life. This is why Jesus being God manifested in the flesh said the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life (Jn 6:63). All of creation was created by Spirit and Life of God. Adam was different from all other creations because he had the breathe of God breathed into him creating the body and the soul. Adam had the spirit and life of God in him (the Word) to be able to connect with God’s intelligence to name all the animals that God brought before him to watch what he would name them (Ge. 2:19, 20). God gave Adam His Word of doctrine to eat of any tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because it would bring death. Eve and Adam believed another word doctrine from the devil and chose the opposite of God’s Word and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil causing death and disease upon all the earth because it was under our dominion. This changed everything from the spirit and life status to death, but God inserted into us a day of redemption the Word would return us to spirit and life through one of mankind’s children.
God’s ministry to us in the old testament was as a Father trying to guide His lost children back home. God is a spirit and it is time for Him to join His children in physical form to restore us to spirit and life. We have already talked about God and the Word is the same (Jn. 1:1). The Word (God) became flesh (Jn. 1:14) and dwelt among us (mankind). He was seen as the one and only Son who came from the Father. A virgin woman was found pregnant through the Holy Spirit, from the Holy Spirit, his name is to be called Jesus because he will save people from their sins and be known as God with us.  (Mtt. 1:18, 20, 23; Lu. 1:35). God is establishing another phase with us from His Father ministry to a Son ministry. He is now in a fleshly body (He. 2:14) showing us how real sons of God should be. Now, God inside of Jesus the man gave us a ministry of man and God, which is the fellowship God had with Adam in the beginning before Adam chose wrong and sinned. We were meant to be one with God – oneness.
As a man Jesus would hunger and thirst, but as God inside of Jesus He would feed 5000 with a couple of fishes and few loaves of bread (Mtt. 14:19). Everything Jesus did was a ministry on how we should act as true children of God. Jesus showed us obedience and the everywhere present God including inside of Jesus would show signs (a dove) for others and speak from the heavens to confirm His presence (Lu. 3:22). God has from the very beginning attempted to show us key things about Himself. He is an everywhere present God who can be at many places at once. Our minds struggle with the thoughts of an all present, all knowing, all powerful God can be anything, do anything from anywhere at the same time. We (mankind) will always fall short in putting God in a limited box in our minds with limited abilities. As I said earlier to put a number on God is not enough because how can you number the limitless presence of God? God the Spirit can speak from heaven, form a dove coming down to fulfill what He told John the Baptist, and still be inside of Jesus the man. God did everything He could through the man Jesus to show us the way, the truth and the life back to Him. This is why when they asked how to be saved Peter told them to repent (completely turn your back on sins), be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ (the blood is in the name of Jesus because you can’t crucify the Father or Holy Spirit) for the washing away of all your sins and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit just like the apostles did for it is a promise to them, their children and to all a far off (Acts 2:38, 39).
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the three things God wanted us to focus on with understanding and perception, not dividing God up into three gods. Three is not enough to number the all present everywhere, all knowing all things, and all powerful over all God. Jesus is the Father/the Word in Spirit form in the beginning, and the physical son to provide blood/death payment for our sins, and the Holy Spirit to guide and teach us all truth. These are the three elements we are to connect with to return to the oneness with God that we lost from the beginning. These are ministries, and phases of the one and true God did to redeem us, establish fellowship, and guidance for the rest of our days until we make it home to Him in Heaven.
God chose the Word to be the one door to all things and Jesus is that Word giving us spirit and life once again. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (Jn 14:6). This is the second chance and second birth to walk with God.

Omnipresent – Part 2

OMNIPRESENT means present everywhere at the same time.

OMNISCIENT means knowing everything.

OMNIPOTENT means unlimited power.

I started looking at God’s word that He spoke in the beginning. Gospel John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.“, verse 2 “The same in the beginning with God” verse 3 “All things were made by Him; and without him was not anything made“. I see how the Word is God and God is the Word, which lead me into His spoken Word. Isaiah 55:11 “So shall me word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and prosper in the thing whereto I sent it“. I now see God and His Word are the same and whatever He speaks will be done.


Genesis 1:3 God said…there was light, 1:6 God said…air and water divided; 1:9 God said… dry land separated; 1:11 God said…herbs, grass, and fruit come forth; 1:14 God said…light divide day and night, seasons, days and years; 1:20 God said…waters bring forth moving creatures and fowls of the air; 1:24 God said…earth bring forth creatures, cattle, creeping thing; 1:26 God said…let us make man in our image, likeness, and have dominion; 1:29

There are thousands of ways to go from here about the above scriptures, but I want to stay focused on God said… When God spoke His word creating the sun, therefore the sun’s existing material is made of God’s Word and empowered by the Word, which when you say the Word you are saying God because they are the SAME.  God said… water, dry land, herbs, grass, fruit, light for day and light for night (Moon), seasons, days, years (Time), moving creatures, fowls, cattle, creeping things, and man created in the image and likeness of the Word God. All creation is made of God’s Word. You are made of God’s Word material. Everything you see is made of God’s Word material. Our scientist have found that all things have an energy deep down inside them that is the glue that holds them together. This shines a whole new light of revelation to Acts 17:28 “For in him we live, and move, and have our being…” God’s Word is in ALL creation.

OMNIPRESENT means present everywhere at the same time. God’s Word is in all creation because “…without him was not anything made.” John 1:2. In my mind I can see all the herbs, grass, and fruit made of God’s Word. In the beginning God gave all His creation to us – mankind and whatever we did with His creation was affected by our choices. There were two special trees in the garden. One tree had the fruit of life, eternal substance. The other tree had the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:9). God is not afraid to allow the opposite of Himself to exist. You can tell by God’s word and actions He loves dearly the freedom of choice, free will if you please. This is why God only had one rule and everything else was (99.99%) free. The one rule was His Love for us and protection against wrong choices. Free will is what allowed evil to exist. One of the angels chose the opposite of God creating evil. Thus, the tree of knowledge of good (God) and evil (Satan). The one rule (Genesis 2:17) was “But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” everything else was free (Genesis 2:16). Keep in mind all creation is made of God’s Word. Mankind (Adam and Eve) were standing at the tree of knowledge of good and evil this what Eve did “she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat” Genesis 3:6. God is present in all things. Eve bit through the Word of God and swallowed the consequences of her actions and she gave the fruit to her husband there with her, and he did eat. Now, Adam and Eve bit through the Word of God “…thou shalt not eat of it” and swallowed for all the earth of which they had all dominion over the consequences “thou shalt surely die“. The key words are “let them have dominion…over all the earth…” Genesis 1:26. It has always been from the beginning what WE have done with God’s material – freedom of choice.

OMNISCIENT means knowing everything. God’s Word is in all creation. As an example we click a key on our computers and it communicates to the processor displaying what we want to see. Another example if a needle is stuck in our big toe on the other end of body it will send data through the nerves to the brain the transmission of that sticking of the toe from one end of the body to the other seemingly instantly. This is what creation does with God because it is made of God’s Word. I see all of creation streaming data in real time to God instantly and God does not struggle with all the instant data. This shines a whole new light of revelation to “For in him we live, and move, and have our being…” Acts 17:28. God’s Word is in ALL creation and all the evil you may be thinking of is what WE have done with God’s material – free will. Sure the metal of a knife is made of God’s material, but we formed the knife, and we have used it how our free will has chosen. We have taken creation and made good things and evil things – tree of knowledge of good and evil. Nothing is hidden from God because it is all streaming data instantly to Him. It is US who have a freedom of choice and dominion to turn back to Him or not. Our thoughts, intentions, and actions are visible to Him. We today are like Eve and Adam when we sin, which sin is defined from God’s Word, we today are biting through the Word and swallowing the consequences of our choices. “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight, but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” Hebrews 4:13. All God has ever wanted from the beginning of time to the present is for us to take our free of choice (free will) and simply believe Him, which He has provided a door, gateway for us to return to Him

OMNIPOTENT means unlimited power. All that we see on a daily basis from the sunshine, mountains, oceans, winds…etc is a display of the power God possesses. Yet, with all His power He allowed us freedom of choice and the ramifications of that choice. God stepped in after mankind chose evil and planted a promise of a seed of mankind would be born to reopen the fellowship directly with God again. Gospel John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.“, verse 2 “The same in the beginning with God” verse 3 “All things were made by Him; and without him was not anything made“. verse 14 “And the Word was made flesh, and he dwelt among us…” 

There was no death in the beginning only life. All creation was empowered by God’s Word.

Atoms is the energy in all things according to science, what about it being God’s source providing all uploads of all data in real time communication with God. For God to be called God it would be nothing to Him for all things to be powered by Him, communicating with Him, and He being in all them. For the question of evil is upon us (mankind) because He gave us all dominion of creation, absolute free will, and we opened the door to evil’s existence. God can do anything, but He choose one door way for everything to be created – His Word.